Become a paid copywriter

in 8 weeks or less with

my 7-figure method.

Become a paid copywriter in

8 weeks or less with

my 7-figure method.

Want to be a copywriter?

You know you have what it takes. Where ambition meets reality is the intersection where most people get lost. Having 5-figure months as a copywriter isn’t about talent. It’s all about strategy. 

You need a roadmap that shows you how to go from portfolio to profit. I’m sharing my proven frameworks to put you on the path to achieving your copywriting goals. 

Let me help you make the transition from hopeful writer to profitable entrepreneur.

Hey there!

I'm Anjeanette,

and I'm a mom turned 7-figure copywriter.

I’ve been a copywriter for over 10 years and an entrepreneur for even longer. Copywriting is the most fun business I’ve ever had by a mile. I get to be creative and flex my business muscles at the same time. And if my daughter walks in and wants to play Barbies, I have the freedom to close my laptop and be the best Ken I can be! (She always makes me play Ken).

I’ve been a California girl my whole life and watch way more trashy reality television than I should admit. But beyond my passion for who gets the final rose, is my passion for helping others discover the entrepreneur inside of them. Together, we will create a fast-pass to your copywriting success so you too, can play Barbies whenever you like. 

I have a good feeling about us.

Where do you need help right now?







Ready to Kickstart Your Portfolio?

Get your first (or next!) copywriting sample done in one hour! I’ll show you my hacks to write fast and without the stress. Learn Direct Response Copy and finally get your sample portfolio started!

Go from ZERO to client attraction in 8 weeks or less! This is my signature course where I personally mentor you, and we check all of the boxes off together. We’ll start with selecting a profitable niche, then build your complete copywriting portfolio, and finally launch your business and start attracting clients!

Want more clients? My superpower is landing clients (to the tune of thousands!) and I'm going to share exactly how I close them. Your copywriting biz needs some secret sauce on it. And I’m giving you mine.

Where do you need help right now?



Ready to Kickstart Your Portfolio?

Get your first (or next!) copywriting sample done in one hour! I’ll show you my hacks to write fast and without the stress. Learn Direct Response Copy and finally get your sample portfolio started!



Go from ZERO to client attraction in 8 weeks or less! This is my signature course where I personally mentor you, and we check all of the boxes off together. We’ll start with selecting a profitable niche, then build your complete copywriting portfolio, and finally launch your business and start attracting clients!



Want more clients? My superpower is landing

clients (to the tune of thousands!) and I'm going to share exactly how I close them. Your copywriting biz needs some secret sauce on it. And I’m giving you mine.


Wait, Were You Looking to Hire ME to be YOUR Copywriter?

Yes, I am still accepting copywriting clients! My team and I at Stratis Media are ready to be your creative hotline for content marketing domination.

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